How was the first day of school?
We have so many positive and wonderful teachers, staff and parents in our district who worked hard for a smooth and welcoming start to the school year for all students. Thank you all! It was not easy, especially with that off-the-charts heatwave.
At the school board meeting last week, we officially appointed Dr. Robert Martinez as the new MDUSD superintendent. The decision was unanimous, and we are looking forward to seeing his experience and passion take flight here in our schools, bringing everyone together to ensure quality education for every student. His first official day is today. Welcome Dr. Martinez!
Meanwhile we have also been busy with two key items that need your attention:
- Maps for the 2020 by-trustee-area election: attend a community meeting
- Full & Fair Funding opportunity: will you take action?
And this week Congressman DeSaulnier is holding an Immigration Town Hall. See details below.
Community Meetings for By-Area Trustee Elections
Your perspective is needed!
Please plan to attend any one of these community forums to give your input on draft maps for the five trustee areas. See the conceptual maps and details at
Flyers publicizing the forums have been translated into multiple languages:
Arabic | Chinese | Dari | English| Farsi | Hindi | Korean | Pashto| Spanish | Tagalog |Vietnamese
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Loma Vista Adult School Noon – 1 p.m.
Willow Creek Center 5 – 6 p.m.
Pleasant Hill Middle School 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Pine Hollow Middle School 5 – 6 p.m.
Foothill Middle School 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
District Office/Board Room 5 – 6 p.m.
Riverview Middle School 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Translation available upon request.
Full and Fair Funding on the March 2020 Ballot?
Are you feeling frustrated with the budget reductions our schools currently face? I am. And we are not alone. Schools across CA are in the same boat.
CSBA (CA School Board Association) just informed us that there is serious momentum for the legislature to place a Full and Fair Funding education initiative on the March 2020 ballot and to have a bill number for this by Labor Day. That will give us just a couple of weeks (September 13th is the deadline) to push it over the top.
We need you now as together we try to make a seismic shift in school funding in California.
Background on Measure
This measure would raise $15 billion dollar a year for K-14 education through increased taxes on incomes over $1,000,000 a year and a 5% increase in corporate taxes. This initiative would provide approximately $2,000 per ADA in each district (i.e. almost $60,000,000 extra a year for MDUSD). CSBA just got back poll results that show that such an initiative placed on the March ballot would be almost unstoppable given its popularity with voters.
What you can do
- Social Media: Post this to twitter and Facebook:
@BauerKahan @AsmGrayson, The time to be BOLD is NOW! will you be bold and stand with educators, students, and the community to put Full & Fair Funding on the March 2020 Ballot so voters can decide to support education funding? #FullandFairFunding #March2020 #Education #BeBold
- Op-eds: Write an op-ed using this template:!AmfpubkWg1sdhRBuAEpX6aS1dEl2
Call your legislator:
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan: (916) 319-2016
- Tim Grayson: (916) 319-2014
- Spread the word: Reach out to your fellow parents, teachers, and neighbors to ask that they join in this historic fight!
Immigration Town Hall Thursday Aug 22nd
6:30-8pm, Meadow Homes Elementary, 1371 Detroit Ave, Concord.
Congressman DeSaulnier will provide a firsthand account of what he witnessed at detention facilities during his two visits to the southern border and share the work he is doing in Congress to protect immigrant rights and ensure detainees are treated with the dignity they deserve.
Legal resources and information about immigrant rights—regardless of immigration status—will be available in English and Spanish. A translator will be on hand during the event. RSVP online: For information call 925-933-2660.
Please share this Safe Haven Resolution with parents & community, to know that the Mt Diablo school district is dedicated to educating all children regardless of immigration status. This resolution was unanimously passed by the school board in Feb 2017, and includes stating that no student data on immigration status is collected by MDUSD, and ICE officials are not allowed on any school campus without prior approval from the superintendent.
Also, here is a useful article with recommendations on how schools should respond to ICE raids.
Next MDUSD School Board Meeting - Monday August 26th
See all board meeting agendas and schedule here:
Thank you for joining together for all students!
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