Welcome back to school!
We are so excited to welcome students to the first day of school this Thursday. Staff and teachers have been working hard to get schools ready: new staff have been hired, COVID protocols are in place, and new student orientations are happening.
Read Dr Clark’s First Friday message of the year here, which includes everything from free student meals and introduction of new principals, to celebrating the successful summer internship program and sharing business and operational reports. Also the new Public Information officer has been very busy posting key information on the website and social media. For example, see the MDUSD Action Plan for AQI Ratings in case of smoky air.
I recommend following MDUSD on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (new profile), and LinkedIn.
Read on for:
Parent Information session TONIGHT
COVID testing at Mt Diablo Schools
School Board meeting August 11th
Free bus passes for students
Parent Information session TONIGHT
The Mt. Diablo Unified School District Community Advisory Committee invites all parents and guardians to join a virtual meeting from 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 10 titled "Success-Fall: Helping your children transition back to in-person instruction."
We know that returning to school will have different impacts on individual students and families. We will provide tips to help students be successful this fall as they return to campuses on Thursday, Aug. 12. Spanish translation will be available. The Zoom link and details can be found HERE.
Also, do you have questions about Virtual Learning / Independent Study? Click HERE to see presentations and Q&A in English and Spanish.
COVID Testing at Mt Diablo Schools
Mt. Diablo Unified is pleased to announce that we have partnered with PMH Laboratory to offer optional weekly COVID-19 testing as a convenience for staff and students and their families at three locations starting Monday, Aug. 16. Pre-registration is recommended on the district website at https://mdusd.org/covidtesting, but forms will be available at sites.
Testing will be offered:
3-6 p.m. Mondays at Ygnacio Valley High, 755 Oak Grove Road in Concord;
3-6 p.m. Tuesdays in Room 904 at Concord High, 4200 Concord Blvd. in Concord; and
3-6 p.m. Thursdays at Riverview Middle School, 205 Pacifica Ave. in Bay Point, at the end of the 300 Hallway on the quad side.
If requirements change for athletes or if there are other situations that increase the demand, we will work with the testing company to increase days, times and location availability. However, we also encourage you to contact your health care providers and take advantage of COVID-19 testing available through Contra Costa Health Services.
We would also like to remind you that COVID-19 vaccines for people ages 12 and older are available through Contra Costa Health Services, Kaiser Permanente, John Muir Health and at other locations in the community including CVS, Walgreens and the Bay Point Family Health Center.
School Board Meeting August 11th
The Mt. Diablo Unified School Board will hold its first meeting of the new school year on Wednesday, Aug. 11. The meeting will be held virtually on Zoom to accommodate parents and staff preparing for the first day of school the next day on Thursday, Aug. 12. Find the agenda and details including a Zoom link for accessing the meeting here.
You may send a public comment via email: emails to [email protected] are automatically distributed to each board member, and will be entered into the public record when received on meeting days only. Or to make a Public Comment during the meeting, it will be via zoom: please send an email after 10:00AM on Aug 11th to [email protected]. A link and instructions will be sent for participation.
The agenda includes a key fiscal health risk analysis report and the adoption of the districtwide Technology Strategic Plan. During the meeting, the board’s new student member, Kaleena Fowler, will take the oath of office. Welcome, Kaleena!
Free Bus Passes for Students
Pass2Class offers free bus passes to Contra Costa students at the beginning of the school year to encourage the use of bus transportation to and from school. Pass2Class reduces traffic congestion and air pollution by reducing the number of cars being driven to school. Up to two months of rides are being offered for the 2021/2022 school year to help students as they return to in-person learning.
El Pass2Class le ofrece pases de autobús gratis a los estudiantes de Contra Costa al principio de cada año escolar, para incentivarlos a utilizar el autobús como método de transporte para ir y venir de la escuela. El Pass2Class ayuda a reducir el tráfico, el congestionamiento y la contaminación, al utilizar menos vehículos como método de transporte escolar. Estamos ofreciendo hasta dos meses de viajes en autobús para el año escolar 2021/2022, para ayudar a los estudiantes a retornar a la escuela y a las clases en persona.
Have a wonderful first day of school on August 12th!
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