Dear community,
I've received hundreds of emails in the past few days asking us not to cut certain programs or positions. Please know that I have received and am reading each message in detail, but it will take time to reply to each one. Your perspectives are all so important and valuable to these heartbreaking decisions. Thank you for taking the time to speak up.
In the meantime, I want to be sure you know that at the Board meeting on Monday Feb 24th, the staff said they would provide 2 items by this Friday Feb 28th at 5pm:
1. a list of possible budget reductions by item and cost
2. a draft PKS list - this is the list of positions to receive pink slips, which our board is scheduled to vote on at our Monday March 2nd board meeting.
(What is a pink slip? the state of CA requires all certificated employees to receive a "pink slip" notification by March 15th. This tells the teacher/staff that his/her position "might" be lost due to reductions for next school year. It is not a final decision, as the state doesn't give their final budget until May, and then school districts vote on their final budget for 2020-21 in June)
Thanks to staff diligence, our budget reductions are now targeted at $21.1 million instead of $22 million. They continue to work to find any/all savings possible.
We added a Special Board meeting for this Monday, March 2nd at 6pm, specifically for budget and PKS decisions. You are welcome to attend, speak, or watch online. Agenda will be posted here:
What else can you do to help? Please call the governor and all state legislators who represent our district, to ask them to significantly increase funding for public education immediately.
From the grassroots Contra Costa Coalition to Fund Education Now (follow them on Twitter @cccfunded ) -
Frustrated with cuts in your school district? Seeing them in nearby districts too? Enough is enough. Call the Governor TODAY plus every state legislator that represents MDUSD: #FundCAEd
Districts across CA are in the same boat, reducing budgets and cutting positions and programs that are crucial and valuable, but that simply are unaffordable when the state funds districts at significantly less than the expectations and obligations it sets for us.
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