Victory! Thank you all.
Our campaign was a success! An uncontested race means that I will begin as a Mt Diablo School Board member this December, and I will not be listed on the November ballot.
Thanks to all who came to our spontaneous victory ice cream celebration! You can view my thank you speech here:
and see the full album of photos on our Facebook page too.
Donations given
Remember when I said I'd donate $10,000 to the Foundation? Yes, since we no longer needed to spend it on campaign materials for my school board race, we are able to give directly to the district-wide nonprofit to benefit all students. And we ended up deciding to write not just one large check, but two.
The first check we wrote was $8000 to the MDUSD Education Foundation, which is already providing arts this fall to students in our elementary schools, and will soon begin science and math enrichment as well. You can help these programs reach even more students -- Join the Foundation team for the Oct 6th Break a Sweat run/walk for education here.
The second was $2000 to the Yes on J - Neighbors for Safe, Quality Schools Campaign. We decided to invest some of our campaign funds in the Measure J campaign, because if it passes it will provide crucial funding to update our aging facilities and ensure student safety.
Call to Action - Get Involved to Pass Measure J for our kids!
Since that wonderful ice cream party, I've been busy non-stop volunteering for Measure J. To me this is one of the most urgent items on our local November ballot! I hope that you will join us.
The committee to pass Measure J is a grassroots organization of parents, teachers and community members who care about our students—and we need your help! Here are five ways you can make sure Measure J is a success:
- Vote YES on Measure J: Measure J will appear near the end of your long ballot—remember to go to the end and vote YES on J! If you vote by mail, look out for your ballot the week of October 8th.
- Endorse Measure J: Lend your name to the campaign by publicly endorsing the measure. Endorse by clicking here
- Put up a YES on J lawn sign: Show your support by putting up a YES on J sign in front of your home or business. Order yours here
- Donate to the campaign: This is a grassroots effort. Every donation — no matter how big or how small — will help get us over the top! Donate here.
- Precinct Walk for J: Walk your neighborhood with friends and help us talk to voters! Join us this Saturday in Clayton/Concord from noon-3pm, meeting at The Grove. Click here to RSVP!
See you out there soon.
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