This is my last week as President of the Mt Diablo School Board, and the annual board reorganization will occur at our December 8th meeting. I am so appreciative of my fellow board members and Superintendent Clark, for their willingness to work as a team on the shared vision of providing excellent education to all students. And we are all deeply thankful to every teacher, admin, and staff member who give so much every day to make this vision a reality, even through the struggles of a global pandemic.
Last week I attended the state school board association conference, where I enjoyed celebrating our Holbrook Language Academy with Principal Rubio, teacher Karen Hernandez, and Superintendent Clark! MDUSD was awarded a Golden Apple Award in recognition of the excellent educational opportunities provided to students districtwide by this two way dual language immersion school. |
The conference had excellent speakers, including a panel of student board members, as well as Dr. Victor Rios who spoke on equity and promoting prosperity for at-promise students. I was also very impressed by a workshop on mental health for teachers/staff/students featuring the Stanslaus County Office of Education Lifeguard Initiative and the CareSolace solution that “calms the chaos of mental healthcare”.
Read on for:
- School Board meeting December 8th
- Superintendent’s message
- SMART - secure guns to keep youth safe
- Free Hour of Robot Activities for CSEdWeek
- Congratulations, La Clinica!
School Board Meeting December 8, 2021
Our board meeting will be at Monte Gardens Elementary. The agenda has a lot of important items including:
- Appointment of Vice Principal to Bel Air and Rio Vista Elementary
- Staff Presentation on TUPE - Tobacco Use Prevention Education Support for Students
- Progress report on District Strategy Technology Plan
- Fiscal Health Progress Monitoring report
- Board reorganization with election of new President and Vice President
- review School Plans for Student Achievement - find your school plan here
- Approval of First Interim Financial Report - read finance update here
- review of draft calendars for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years
- update to the District's Suicide Prevention Policy
Find details here. You may send a public comment via email to [email protected] or come in person to make a Public Comment during the meeting.
Superintendent’s Message
Read Dr Clark’s December 3rd Friday message here, including:
- information about the Golden Bell Award received by MDUSD for the Holbrook Language Academy;
- the District's budget to be discussed at the Dec. 8 School Board meeting;
- School News including art activities at several elementary schools, a robotics club at Ygnacio Valley High, and the Adult Education Annual Open House and Art Sale;
- the Concord tree lighting featuring two District school groups, and Concord youth commissioner openings;
- a District reminder about the Homeless Outreach Program for Education (HOPE) holiday drive;
- Student spotlights on two Northgate High students;
- a Staff Spotlight on MDUSD's Food and Nutrition Services Director;
- important dates; and
- the Superintendent's Weekly Organizational update.
Be SMART - secure guns to keep youth safe
The recent school shooting tragedy in Michigan is another reminder that secure gun storage is essential to keeping our schools and communities safe. State Superintendent Tony Thurmond stated in a 2019 letter, “District and school administrators must help educate parents and guardians about California’s child access prevention laws; it is a crime for a person to negligently store or leave a loaded firearm in a place where a child is likely to access it.” reduces child gun deaths by encouraging responsible storage of guns and providing free gun locks.
- Secure all guns
- Model responsible behavior around guns
- Ask about presence of unsecured guns in other homes
- Recognize the risks of teen suicide
- Tell your peers to be SMART
Free Hour of Robot Activities for CSEdWeek
Celebrate CSEdWeek with Hour of Robot!
Computer Science Education Week (December 6-10, 2021) is an annual call to action to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equity, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field. Visit for resources & activities.
As part of CSEdWeek, the UC Davis C-STEM Center and its partners have put together a series of fun and engaging "Hour of Robot" activities that can be done using either on-screen virtual robots or hardware robots. The activities are divided into K-12 grade levels and do not require previous computing knowledge or experience. They're a great way to introduce students to computing and robotics, while also learning some math along the way, so be sure to check out the Hour of Robot home page!
- Anyone can organize an Hour of Robot event anywhere freely
- No experience needed
- Hardware robot is optional
Congratulations, La Clinica!
Senator Steve Glazer recognized La Clinica today as nonprofit of the year for region 7. I was happy to attend in appreciation of La Clinica and all they do to provide affordable, culturally appropriate healthcare in our community and schools. They have been a crucial part of making COVID testing and vaccines accessible to our students and families, both at their monument location and at our school sites. They also offer all kinds of healthcare and dental care and CoveredCA is located in their building to help make sure everyone can access health insurance too. Plus, they have volunteer and internship opportunities. Be sure to share this excellent resource -
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