Thank you to all who spoke at Monday's meeting or emailed us with your perspective on the budget reductions! The list is now being adjusted based on the Board direction that was given that night.
What's next?
Our School Board is meeting next Monday, March 9th at 7pm. You are welcome to attend, speak, or watch online. Agenda will be posted here:
We will vote on:
1. a list of budget reductions by item type and cost, to add up to a total of $21.1 million
2. the final PKS list - this is the list of "particular kinds of service" - certificated positions that could be removed for the 2020-21 school year.
As was explained, our board MUST identify all $21.1 million in reductions before the county office of education will agree to approve our ratifying the Tentative Bargaining Agreement with our teachers union.
Feel free to email the board and superintendent with your feedback, or speak at the board meeting. Together we'll prioritize as best we can for students!
What else can you do to help?
Please call the governor and all state legislators who represent our district, to ask them to significantly increase funding for public education immediately. Here is a phone list from the grassroots Contra Costa Coalition to Fund Education Now -
(follow CCCFEN on Twitter @cccfunded #FundCAEd )
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