MLK 2025

This Martin Luther King Jr Day 2025, I am focused on uplifting and celebrating our diverse community leadership who have been champions of public schools throughout our region.
I began my day today at the annual East County NAACP breakfast where a larger than usual crowd gathered in unity in honor of Dr Martin Luther King Junior. Dr. Francies was a keynote speaker reminding us of the depth of King’s character and commitment, and of how much work we must do to turn his vision into a reality.
Dr. Otha Thorton reminded us that PTA is often thought of as a white organization, but in reality one of the founders was Selena Sloan Butler, a dedicated community leader and teacher who worked diligently in Atlanta, GA, to unify parents and teachers for the advancement of child welfare and education. She organized the first black Parent-Teacher Association in the United States at her son's school, and eventually the statewide Georgia Parent-Teacher Association. She then helped form the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers.
A daughter and granddaughter of Mr. Willie Mims were there too, carrying his legacy on in beautiful ways.
On Saturday I was honored to perform with Diablo Taiko at the inauguration of Mayor Cameron Sasai of Pinole. It was truly inspirational to hear Cameron's speech full of hope and promise for a prosperous community for all in the city he grew up in. It felt like a family reunion running into so many fellow electeds and friends from all over our region there to celebrate as Attorney General Rob Bonta swore him in.
It is connections like this with deeply dedicated community members that give me hope that together we can and will ensure a quality public education for every student! ❤️ 
p.s. I have not been blogging as often since starting a full time job last summer. Our district, however, has done an excellent job of capturing board and district happenings in the weekly Friday letter and on social media. I encourage you to follow them and help spread the word to the wider community. See this Superintendent page to reach the weekly and archived Friday letters and Organizational Updates.

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  • Cherise Khaund
    published this page in Blog 2025-01-20 16:02:37 -0800