PG&E Power Outages
As of Oct 8th, 11pm...
All Mt. Diablo Schools are Currently Open -click for more details-
Todas las Escuelas de Mt. Diablo están abiertas actualmente -haga clic aquí para más detalles-
The District will continue to monitor the events, and will provide updated information to the community should there be any need to close schools, or modify school schedules. We believe that keeping schools open provides a safe place for students to be.
Update on By Trustee Area Mapping
At the September 23, 2019 School Board meeting, public hearing #3 was held on by area trustee elections. See all maps & FAQs at
- The board decided to remove three of the maps from consideration: red, green, blue
- The board would now like to hear community input on the remaining 3 draft maps: pink, purple, purpleA.
- The board is now exploring additional options of the order of elections. That means it is possible that different areas will be chosen for the 2020 election than what has so far been designated on the draft maps.
Current draft maps (pink, purple, purpleA) show Areas 3 & 5 with elections in 2020, because all three other areas have current trustees whose terms do not end until 2022. This ensures that all 5 areas will have representation on the board starting in 2020.
However, technically the board could choose different areas, and a majority of the Board asked on Sept 23rd to hear all of the options. See "Election Sequencing Selection" "Selección de Secuencia de Elecciones" district news for details on the options.
Please share your perspective as a parent, student, staff or community member to inform the board decisions!
Tell us which map is your favorite and which 2 areas you think should be up for election in 2020 and why. Here’s how:
- attend Public Hearing #4 October 14, 2019, or Public Hearing #5 October 28, 2019 to speak to the board in person, or
- click on anytime to submit your thoughts online in English or en español.
p.s. thanks to all who walked/ran the Break a Sweat for Education race! It was so uplifting to see so many of you from all different schools & communities join in healthy exercise together to raise funds for the MDUSD Education Foundation and Yours Humanly!
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