Happy September!
In this message:
- Additional Community Meeting for By-Area Trustee Elections
- Full & Fair Funding for Schools: will you take action?
- Emerge California applications due Sept 24th
Additional Community Meeting for By-Area Trustee Elections
By community request, one more input meeting was scheduled for By-Area Trustee Elections: Wednesday Sept 11th! All are welcome to attend, and translation to Spanish is provided. (other languages upon request)
And two more maps were designed (see pink and purple). See maps and details at https://mdusd.org/boardelections
Click here for printable flyer in English y Espanol
Can't attend? A digital feedback form has been added to the District’s website so you can provide your input online in English or Spanish.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 Community Input Meeting
Meadow Homes Elementary, Multi-Use Room, 5:30-6:30pm, 1371 Detroit Ave., Concord, 94520
Monday, September 23, 2019 Public Hearing
Mt. Diablo Unified School District Offices/Board Room, 7pm, 1936 Carlotta Dr., Concord, 94519
This will be the third formal Public Hearing to solicit public input on draft maps of trustee areas and proposed sequence of elections and summarize input from community forums. The meeting may include potential Board action to narrow number of published draft maps for final consideration, and/or to direct the creation of one or more revised draft maps.
Monday, October 14, 2019 Public Hearing
Mt. Diablo Unified School District Offices/Board Room, 7pm, 1936 Carlotta Dr., Concord, 94519
This will be the fourth formal Public Hearing to solicit public input on draft maps of trustee areas and proposed sequence of elections. The meeting will include resolutions to adopt the trustee-area maps and proposed sequence of elections.
Full and Fair Funding for Schools: Take 1 minute for Action
I've heard from many of you who are asking for smaller class sizes, more librarians and nurses, and higher pay for teachers and staff. I would love to guide our district to do every one of those things, however the struggle is to find what is currently affordable within our fiscal means.
Please share your stories with our state legislators, so they can see and feel how immediate these needs are for our students, teachers and staff... their constituents. They need to raise our state investment in public education at least to the national average, as soon as possible!
We need you now as together we try to make a seismic shift in school funding in California.
What you can do
- Social Media: Post this to twitter and Facebook:
@BauerKahan @AsmGrayson @Steve_Glazer, The time to be BOLD is NOW! Will you be bold & stand with educators, students & community to put Full & Fair Funding on March 2020 Ballot so voters can decide to support education funding? #FullandFairFunding #March2020 #Education #BeBold
@BauerKahan @AsmGrayson @Steve_Glazer, The time to be BOLD is NOW! Will you be bold and stand with educators, students, and the community to support a School Facilities Bond? #FullandFairFunding #March2020 #Education #BeBold #OurBuildingsAre50yrsOld
Call your legislator: Ask him or her to be bold for education. Put Full & Fair Funding on the March 2020 ballot, pass a school facilities bond, and show that education truly is a priority by funding it. (state your specific example of the need in 1-2 sentences, e.g. Our school district Facilities Master Plan just identified $1Billion in facility needs, yet our local bond that taxpayers recently supported is $150 million)
- Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan: (916) 319-2016 https://a16.asmdc.org/
- Assemblymember Tim Grayson: (916) 319-2014 https://a14.asmdc.org/
- Senator Steve Glazer: (916) 651-4007 https://sd07.senate.ca.gov/
- Spread the word: Reach out to your fellow parents, teachers, and neighbors to ask that they join in this historic fight! Share www.fullandfairfunding.org
Emerge California Applications Due Sept 24th
Are you a woman who has thought about running for office, whether it be city council, school board, water board or state level office? Consider the EmergeCA program. As an alumnus I highly recommend this as a deep learning opportunity with women from around the state who all strive to serve and improve their communities. Feel free to contact me directly for more information.
Find online webinars here, starting this Friday Sept 13th, some of which specialize in recruiting minorities and LGBTQ women in particular:
Emerge California offers an in-depth, six-month, 70-hour training program that provides aspiring women leaders, who are Democratic self-identified women in the State of California, with cutting-edge tools and training to run for elected office and elevate themselves in our political system.
But hurry! Applications and recommendations are due Tuesday Sept 24th at 11:59pm sharp!
Next MDUSD School Board Meeting - Monday September 23rd
See all board meeting agendas and schedule here: https://mdusd.org/agendasminutes
Thank you for joining together for all students!
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