Summer 2021 update

I hope you are enjoying your summer, getting away from screens out into nature, and creating memorable moments with family and friends.

District and school staff have been really busy getting schools ready to open!  I know there have been a lot of questions about what that will look like, and the state guidance just came out last week.

There’s also more information now being posted on MDUSD social media sites now that the Public Information Officer position has been filled, so I recommend following MDUSD on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram  (new profile), and LinkedIn.

Read Dr Clark’s Welcome Back message here, which includes that schools are opening full time in person without distancing restrictions, that masks are required indoors for everyone, and that masks are optional outdoors.  Stay tuned for more specific information from your school principals very soon.

In the meantime, if anyone in your family aged 12+ has not yet gotten vaccinated, now’s the time! We know the Delta variant is highly contagious, that the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are in unvaccinated people, and that the COVID vaccine could be made mandatory at some point.  Plus it’s easy and free to get!  I’ve listed 2 options for this weekend below, including free family passes to Oakland zoo.

Read on for:

  1. Information session July 26 re Virtual/Independent Study

  2. Get Vaccinated at the Oakland Zoo on July 24 - get a free family zoo pass!

  3. Free Vaccines at a local church on Sunday July 25

  4. Apply to work in MDUSD

  5. Early Bird Register by July 31 for Break a Sweat for Education

  6. Next School Board meeting August 11th

Information session July 26 re Virtual/Independent Study

To help families navigate the different independent study programs and to provide more details on the models to be provided by Mt. Diablo, please attend an Information Session on Monday, July 26, 2021 at 6:30 pm on Zoom at the following link:  HERE

Spanish translation will be available during the meeting. The meeting will be recorded and posted online for those who are unable to attend.

Get Vaccinated at the Oakland Zoo on July 24, 9am-2:30pm 

Receive a Free One-Day Family Pass

Receive your free COVID-19 vaccine at Oakland Zoo's pop-up clinic on July 24, and get a free Oakland Zoo Family Pass*, good for a one-day admission for 2 adults and 2 children, plus free parking for one vehicle (a $98 value). You may use your pass the day of your shot, or at a future date of your choice.

Drop-ins welcome, or pre-register for an appointment here** or call 650-623-5280. Insurance not required. Citizenship not required.

Second dose clinic will be scheduled for Saturday, August 14 at the same location you receive your first dose.

*Offer valid for one pass per family, to be received at the time first dose is administered. If you would like to use your family pass on the same day as your vaccination, please enter through the Lower Entrance. For a future visit, see offer code for online reservation at

**If you choose to pre-register, you must create a free Carbon Health Patient Account in order to schedule your appointment.

Clínica de vacunación emergente COVID-19

Presentado por la Agencia de Servicios de Atención Médica del Condado de Alameda, Carbon Health y Nate Miley

Auditorio Zimmer en el zoológico de Oakland

24 de julio de 2021

Adolescentes y adultos

9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Vacuna gratuita disponible para cualquier persona mayor de 12 años (para humanos, no para animales)

Reciba su vacuna COVID-19 gratis en la clínica emergente del zoológico de Oakland el 24 de julio y obtenga un pase familiar gratuito del zoológico de Oakland * , válido para una entrada de un día para 2 adultos y 2 niños, además de estacionamiento gratuito para un vehículo (un Valor de $ 98). Puede usar su pase el día de su inyección o en una fecha futura de su elección.

Las visitas sin cita previa son bienvenidas o preinscríbase para una cita aquí ** o llame al 650-623-5280. No se requiere seguro. No se requiere ciudadanía.

La clínica de la segunda dosis se programará para el sábado 14 de agosto en el mismo lugar donde recibe su primera dosis.

* Oferta válida para un pase por familia, que se recibirá al momento de administrar la primera dosis. Si desea utilizar su pase familiar el mismo día de su vacunación, ingrese por la entrada inferior. Para una visita futura, consulte el código de oferta para reserva en línea en

** Si opta por preinscribirse, debe crear una cuenta de paciente de Carbon Health gratuita para programar su cita.

¡Queremos agradecer a todos aquellos en nuestra comunidad que ya han sido vacunados! ¡Estamos agradecidos de que su elección de vacunar sea la razón por la que el zoológico de Oakland y tantos otros lugares y negocios pueden operar como lo hacemos hoy!

Free Vaccines at a local church on Sunday July 25


Apply to Work in MDUSD

Interested in a job in education? Mt. Diablo USD is hiring for both classified & certificated positions. We are offering a hiring bonus of $1,500 for all Paraprofessionals/Instructional Assistant positions. Click here to view the openings or visit 

Early Bird Register by July 31 for Break a Sweat for Education

Break a Sweat for Education® 5K Run & Walk and Kids Fun Run will take place on Saturday, October 2, at Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek. Join our team and a percentage of funds will go to MDUSD Education Foundation!  Early bird discount if you register by July 31!

Click here and scroll down to View Teams and join ours (MDUSD Education Foundation). See you there to #BreakaSweatforEducation

School Board Meeting August 11th

Find the agenda and viewing/participation information here:  

School starts August 12!


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  • Cherise Khaund
    published this page in Blog 2021-07-23 13:55:52 -0700